Huawei Spark Ignite 2022 - Global Startup Competition

Scaling is the name of the game; ambition is a must. Do you have what it takes to bring your startup to new heights with Huawei? We want you!

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Timeline Step by Step



Application | 5 May - 14 Aug


    Register on the platform and submit your proposal deck of 13 slides in English (PDF format), addressing the following:

    • Executive Summary – 1 slide
    • Problem Statement – 1 slide
    • Service and Business Model (e.g. what's your service and business model), and how money works (e.g. pricing structure)? – 1 slide
    • Sales & Growth Transaction – 2 slides
      • Service revenue of (up to) last 3 years and revenue forecast for 2022
      • Size of client/user base, reference client/project
    • Market Potential – 1 slide
    • Competitive Landscape – 1 slide
    • Solution Outline – 3 slides
      • High-level solution architecture
      • Solution USP
      • Solution development roadmap & key challenge(s)
    • Strategy/Business Growth Roadmap – 1 slide
    • Funding Received – 1 slide
    • Team – 1 slide

    Participating startups are also required to complete the participation form describing the background of the company. Join the HUAWEI SPARK LinkedIn Group to score additional points! The deadline for the submission will be on 14 August 2022, at 11:59PM (SGT/GMT+8).

Shortlisting #1 | 15-24 Aug

  • Huawei judges to vote for the Top 100 startups based on the following criteria:

    • Relevance
    • Market Potential
    • Service Model
    • Business Traction
    • Technology USP Scalability & Limitations
    • Financial Viability


    The Top 100 startups will be selected for the next round. The results will be announced by 24 August 2022.

Deepening | 25 Aug - 4 Sep

  • The selected startups will need to submit a 2 to 3-minute video (.mp4) introducing their product/solution (product demo video)! This includes explaining more about the technical infrastructure of the product, as well as its unique value proposition and technological differentiation.


Shortlisting #2 | 5-13 Sep

  • Huawei judges to vote for the Top 30 startups based on the following criteria:

    • Relevance
    • Market Potential
    • Service Model
    • Business Traction
    • Technology USP Scalability & Limitations
    • Financial Viability
    • Team Strength


    The Top 30 semi-finalist startups will be selected for the next round. The results will be announced by 13 September 2022.

Interview & Mentoring | 14-28 Sep

  • The Top 30 semi-finalists will undergo an interview with and be mentored by Huawei specialists to develop their product and improve their business pitch.

Shortlisting #3 | 29 Sep - 3 Oct

  • Huawei judges to vote for the Top 15 startups based on the following criteria:

    • Market Potential
    • Service Model
    • Business Tractions
    • Technology USP Scalability & Limitations
    • Financial Viability
    • Team Strength & Ability to Execute


    The Top 15 finalist startups will be selected for the final round. The results will be announced by 3 October 2022.

Final Event | 11 Oct

  • The Top 15 finalists will pitch live to a Huawei jury panel. More details about the format of the Final Event to come, so stay tuned!

    The Grand Winner will be fast-tracked to compete as one of the Top 50 Global Startups of SLINGSHOT 2022 as part of the SLINGSHOT x SWITCH event.