Competição de Desenvolvedores da HUAWEI LATAM de 2022

Construa suas inovações transformadoras do setor capacitadas pela HUAWEI CLOUD e pelos especialistas da Huawei!

Enhance your portfolio by gaining real-life knowledge and expertise with HUAWEI CLOUD’s tools to build industry-transforming innovations!

Are you a technology enthusiast, talented developer or aspiring entrepreneur? We are thrilled to announce the launch of the very first HUAWEI Developer Competition LATAM 2022. We want to help YOU stand out from your peers by learning about and creating industry-transforming innovations using HUAWEI CLOUD!
With guidance from Huawei's dedicated experts, you have the potential to drive industry-transforming innovations and to gain hands-on experience as part of your resume to kickstart your career. Join the HUAWEI Developer Competition LATAM 2022 to stand a chance to win up to USD 15,000 (in cash) per team.

Are you DARING enough to push the status quo, enhance your knowledge and skills and drive innovation towards a brighter future?





Categories to compete in







  • Application

    Aug 10 - Oct 16, 2022

    Register and submit your team’s CV!
    You will need to register for a HUAWEI CLOUD account here for product development.

  • Shortlisting #1

    Oct 17 - Oct 28, 2022

    The Top 15 teams will be shortlisted and vouchers will be provided to build their project in the hack week. 

  • Online Hacking

    Nov 7 - Nov 11, 2022

    The Top 15 teams will partake in a week-long hacking session.

  • Shortlisting #2

    Nov 14 - Nov 18, 2022

    The Top 6 teams will be shortlisted.

  • Final Event

    Nov 23 - Nov 26, 2022

    Top 6 finalists to pitch in front of a jury panel.


Prizes & Incentives

Submit your proposals for the chance to be rewarded by Huawei:

A cash reward of USD 15,000 to the top-placing team

A cash reward of USD 5,000 to each of the two second-placing teams

A cash reward of USD 3,000 to each of the three third-placing teams


Demo Day



The HUAWEI  Developer Competition LATAM 2022 Demo Day will be an in-person event between November 23-26, 2022, where the Top 6 teams will pitch live in front of a Huawei Jury Panel.

The Top 6 finalist teams can win prizes up to USD 15,000 per team!



Huawei Cloud



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